Obligation of Registration
The Obligation to Register to the Chambers has been regulated in Article 9 of the Law No. 5174.
According to this: Traders registered in the trade registry and all real and legal persons who have the title of industrialist and sea trader according to Article 5, as well as their branches and factories, are obliged to register with the chamber where they are located.
According to this: Traders registered in the trade registry and all real and legal persons who have the title of industrialist and sea trader according to Article 5, as well as their branches and factories, are obliged to register with the chamber where they are located. Member registrations to be made according to occupational groups are kept up-to-date in the common database organized by the Ministry and the Union in electronic environment.
Even though they are affiliated to a center, places and sales stores that have independent capital and independent accounting, which are within the working area of the room where the head office is located or another room, and/or where the accounting is kept in the center and carry out industrial activities and commercial transactions on their own, although they do not have independent capital, the application of this Law considered as a branch.
In provinces where a chamber of industry is established, industrialists fulfill their obligation to register with the chamber of commerce by registering with the chamber of industry. The commercial activities in which the owners of industrial enterprises are engaged as a requirement of their industrial works do not eliminate their industrialist qualifications; they can also register with the chamber of commerce if they want.
If the industrialists open more than one sales place to sell their own industrial products, they have to register with the chamber of commerce and industry or commerce where the sales places are located; If they are engaged in other commercial activities other than the sale of their own industrial products, they are also obliged to register with the chamber of commerce and industry or commerce.
Economic establishments and their branches, whose capital is entirely owned by the state and special administrations or municipalities or their partnerships, establishments with legal personality that are affiliated with the state or private administrations or the municipality, or their branches and factories, are obliged to register with the chambers in the province where they are located. Among the real and legal persons registered in the trade registry, maritime traders specified in Article 5 and those engaged in maritime trade among those specified in the fifth paragraph are obliged to register with the Chamber of Maritime Commerce in their province. Those counted within this scope are deemed to have fulfilled their obligation to register with other chambers by registering with the Chamber of Maritime Commerce. However, if those within this scope are also engaged in other activities other than those that require registration with the Chamber of Maritime Commerce, they must also register with the relevant chamber.
Real and legal persons and their branches whose registration is mandatory in chambers cannot be compelled to become members of other professional organizations, unions and organizations in the nature of public institutions and to pay dues.
Those who do not fulfill the registration obligation regulated in this article within one month are registered ex officio by the chambers and the situation is notified to them.