Alanya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ALTSO) President Eray Erdem visited Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz as part of his Ankara contacts.
The high-level visits of President Erdem in Ankara to solve Alanya’s problems were welcomed by the Alanya public.
ALTSO President Eray Erdem continued his Ankara visits with MÜTBİR President Mustafa Küçüker, ALTSO Assembly Member Mustafa Yürekli and ALTSO 5th Committee Chairman Hüsamettin Akyüz.
President Erdem and the Alanya delegation presented the solution report prepared together with ALTSO, MÜTBİR, ALSİAD and Real Estate Professionals Association to Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz and conveyed information about Alanya.
President Erdem’s statement on the subject is as follows: “Very Esteemed Statesman, Dear Senior and Vice President, Mr. Cevdet Yılmaz, we visited to solve the problems regarding the restriction of residence permits for foreigners.
We presented our report on problems and solution proposals to MÜTBİR, ALSİAD and the Association of Real Estate Professionals for the sale of real estate to foreigners and the elimination of residence problems to our Vice President and requested support.
We gave information about our beautiful Alanya and presented a painting of Alanya to our Vice President, whom we visited with MÜTBİR President Mustafa Küçüker, Assembly Member Mustafa Yürekli and Construction Committee Chairman Hüsamettin Akyüz.